Jon Wysong
Jonathan Wysong is a trumpeter and arts administrator based in Louisville. In his 25 year career, he has performed at venues such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Grand Ole Opry. He is Principal Trumpet of the Louisville Civic Orchestra, a member of Chamber Winds Louisville, and regularly freelances in the area. A specialist in Baroque trumpet, he has performed Handel’s Messiah and Vivaldi’s Gloria with Bourbon Baroque and worked frequently with Kentucky Baroque Trumpets. In masterclass settings, Jon has performed for Clark Terry, Tom Hooten, Nikos Xanthoulis, and the Royal Philharmonic trumpet section. His trumpet teachers include the late Dr. Michael Tunnell, Dr. Erika Schafer, Shane Porter, Dr. Herb Koerselman, Friedemann Immer, and Kris Kwapis.
In addition to performing, Jonathan is the Database Manager at Waterfront Botanical Gardens. He concurrently serves as the Executive Director of the Louisville Civic Orchestra, advancing and preserving its 100+ year history. In March 2019, Jonathan participated as a student advocate at the National Arts Action Summit, where he met with and encouraged Kentucky-based federal legislators at the Capitol to support the arts sector by funding the NEA.
Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Music in Education from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, a Master of Music in Trumpet Performance from the University of Louisville, and a Master of Arts in Arts Administration from the University of Kentucky. Jonathan is a member with the Louisville Federation of Musicians, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and Third Lutheran Church.