Wilma Clayborn has been a central figure in the Louisville gospel scene for her entire life. She was the pianist and director of The Gospel Motivators, who toured around the region and recorded 3 albums from c. 1963-1975. Wilma started the Grace Gospel store along with her husband, John Clayborn, as a way to share recordings of gospel music which were previously difficult to find in Louisville. They later began to produce and coach groups on their own Grace Gospel label. The label released records for Archie Dale and the Tones of Joy, The Majestic Voices of Antioch, The Gospel Motivators (Wilma’s own group), The Gospel Descendants, The Webster Singers, and The Gospel Ensemble of Kentucky State University, among others.
Wilma has been extremely active for the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses (NCGCC), and is currently serving her 4th term on the national board of directors for the organization. She is a gospel historian and was a major contributing author for “The Soulful Sounds of Derbytown,” as well as “I’m Glad About It,” the recent project by the Louisville Story Program documenting the legacy of gospel music in Louisville from 1958-1981.